Monday, September 28, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
"DHS" stands for Department of Homeland Security
"DHS" stands for Department of Homeland Security
"DHS" stands for Department of Homeland Security
"DHS" stands for Department of Homeland Security
Good info here and some good videos too
Good info here and some good videos too
Please visit her great site
Please visit her great site
Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment
Uploaded on Jul 20, 2008
On the show this week: Edge Correspondent Gina Romano speaks to House Representative Jim Guest. Jim Guest of Missouri and his staff continue to work diligently to find solutions to organized stalking and electromagnetic weaponry harassment. In his interview with Correspondent Gina Romano he talks about a victim in Chicago who is 85 years old who has been implanted and has the scars to prove it. Although she is 85 years old her perpetrators show no mercy.
Representative Guest discusses the possibility of Government testing and Government infiltration from Operation Paperclip and other spy organizations. Also discussed is microwave weaponry and how it is used for the purpose of mind control. Although this weaponry was developed to attack an enemy on the battlefield, it is now being used against private citizens in their own homes.
Organized stalking is growing and the list of victims is endless, not only in the USA, but worldwide. What is the solution? Rep. Guest suggests that an investigation on the Federal level needs to be conducted and tells the listeners how they can help get a Federal investigation started.
If you want to hear more from Representative Guest, he has his own radio show at
Also on the show: Grims Taroeel on Religious Persecution- Religious Persecution is Rampant as groups rally to curse the soldiers in Iraq for their service ending Iraqi suffering. Government is Questionable in motives but soldiers fight for others to have where they would normally not.
The rallies include signs that say, "Thank God For 911" and persecute also the Gay Community, threaten Stonings and Burnings against the so called, "ABOMINABLE CRIMINALS". Gays watch rallies in sorrow and humiliation. Biblical History Questioned and Revealed. It's time to put down our Bibles and think about what we're really here for. There is suffering in the world. No time for Quarreling.
Also on the show: The rise of the Fascist State, In the US FEMA Camps and martial law, box cars and shackles. In the UK CCTV on every corner, citizens arrested for throwing apples cores into the street. People heavily fined for putting out the trash can on the wrong day.
In this video Rep. Jim Guest discusses the issue of organized stalking and the groups that use these tactics. The discussion suggests that some corrupt authorities, satanic groups, societies and cults hound people to death using these method
Uploaded on Jul 20, 2008
On the show this week: Edge Correspondent Gina Romano speaks to House Representative Jim Guest. Jim Guest of Missouri and his staff continue to work diligently to find solutions to organized stalking and electromagnetic weaponry harassment. In his interview with Correspondent Gina Romano he talks about a victim in Chicago who is 85 years old who has been implanted and has the scars to prove it. Although she is 85 years old her perpetrators show no mercy.
Representative Guest discusses the possibility of Government testing and Government infiltration from Operation Paperclip and other spy organizations. Also discussed is microwave weaponry and how it is used for the purpose of mind control. Although this weaponry was developed to attack an enemy on the battlefield, it is now being used against private citizens in their own homes.
Organized stalking is growing and the list of victims is endless, not only in the USA, but worldwide. What is the solution? Rep. Guest suggests that an investigation on the Federal level needs to be conducted and tells the listeners how they can help get a Federal investigation started.
If you want to hear more from Representative Guest, he has his own radio show at
Also on the show: Grims Taroeel on Religious Persecution- Religious Persecution is Rampant as groups rally to curse the soldiers in Iraq for their service ending Iraqi suffering. Government is Questionable in motives but soldiers fight for others to have where they would normally not.
The rallies include signs that say, "Thank God For 911" and persecute also the Gay Community, threaten Stonings and Burnings against the so called, "ABOMINABLE CRIMINALS". Gays watch rallies in sorrow and humiliation. Biblical History Questioned and Revealed. It's time to put down our Bibles and think about what we're really here for. There is suffering in the world. No time for Quarreling.
Also on the show: The rise of the Fascist State, In the US FEMA Camps and martial law, box cars and shackles. In the UK CCTV on every corner, citizens arrested for throwing apples cores into the street. People heavily fined for putting out the trash can on the wrong day.
In this video Rep. Jim Guest discusses the issue of organized stalking and the groups that use these tactics. The discussion suggests that some corrupt authorities, satanic groups, societies and cults hound people to death using these method
Community Policing and Usage of Technologies
Community Policing and Usage of Technologies
Published comments by Chris Lissa Myers
"If you want to learn the truth behind proxy organized gang stalking, electronic harassment read this authentic documentation. It defines everything one needs to know and learn behind the horrid evils and who's really behind the usage of torturous technological citizenry treatments".
The she also added these nicely said comments:
"Pay close attention to pages 64 and 65 regarding technologies used and why. Somethings when horribly wrong according to these documents. Lethal and Non-Lethal have been bent out of control. Justice needs to prevail for all targeted human beings. This madness needs to cease, now in the name of America, the beautiful, Don't treat on me, any longer"
And also added this comment too:
"Placed here for the entire general and law enforcement public to bring full, honest awareness to innocent victims brutalized by those in public, civic office confused of what their job is suppose to be for: To protect all, and serve everyone, fairly and without predjudicial thoughts, and to think before using military tactical technologies on citizens who've done nothing wrong to them."
The Authentic document is free and available at the link below
Published comments by Chris Lissa Myers
"If you want to learn the truth behind proxy organized gang stalking, electronic harassment read this authentic documentation. It defines everything one needs to know and learn behind the horrid evils and who's really behind the usage of torturous technological citizenry treatments".
The she also added these nicely said comments:
"Pay close attention to pages 64 and 65 regarding technologies used and why. Somethings when horribly wrong according to these documents. Lethal and Non-Lethal have been bent out of control. Justice needs to prevail for all targeted human beings. This madness needs to cease, now in the name of America, the beautiful, Don't treat on me, any longer"
And also added this comment too:
"Placed here for the entire general and law enforcement public to bring full, honest awareness to innocent victims brutalized by those in public, civic office confused of what their job is suppose to be for: To protect all, and serve everyone, fairly and without predjudicial thoughts, and to think before using military tactical technologies on citizens who've done nothing wrong to them."
The Authentic document is free and available at the link below
A well researched and intelligently written article
A well researched and intelligently written article
GET THE "STASI: Decomposition pdf"
GET THE "STASI: Decomposition pdf"
September 26, 2015
September 26, 2015
Hello you knowledge hungry TIs and Viewers
I urge all TIs , as well as all skeptics and viewers, to read the following articles of this great gutsy Author, Deborah Dupre. They are published at
Miss Dupre just notified me that some of the broken links of some important internal articles, which I brought to her attention, will be promptly repaired.
I strongly advise you all to Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails:
Her articles, which are posted at, are all well researched and well documented.
I am providing you the links of her amazing articles in order to protect Copyrighted material.
The links for all of her amazing articles are listed below for your convenience: was referenced by her and it is a good site she referenced this in her article :, for her comment that "Disinformation is a major spy tactic."
And the list goes and on
I recommend subscribing to her articles as I did too
Hello you knowledge hungry TIs and Viewers
I urge all TIs , as well as all skeptics and viewers, to read the following articles of this great gutsy Author, Deborah Dupre. They are published at
Miss Dupre just notified me that some of the broken links of some important internal articles, which I brought to her attention, will be promptly repaired.
I strongly advise you all to Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails:
Her articles, which are posted at, are all well researched and well documented.
I am providing you the links of her amazing articles in order to protect Copyrighted material.
The links for all of her amazing articles are listed below for your convenience: was referenced by her and it is a good site she referenced this in her article :, for her comment that "Disinformation is a major spy tactic."
And the list goes and on
I recommend subscribing to her articles as I did too
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
For several days in a row, when doing errands in your car, you consistently come in contact with drivers who tailgate you, cut you off in traffic, or maybe pull out in front of you unexpectedly. Or you go out to get your mail and see someone sitting on a bicycle watching you from a distance. Or maybe you notice a sudden increase in strange cars driving slowly pasd your home. Or you get the feeling you are being followed but don’t see anyone there. Or you find garbage strewn on your lawn or piles of dirt where dirt shouldn’t be. Or you return to your home and notice that pictures or knick knacks aren’t where they were when you left.
Is this all just coincidental or is there something more to it? You might even wonder if you just have an over-active imagination or if maybe you’ve slipped a few cogs upstairs.
Over the past ten years, a phenomenon has become apparent that more recently has been given a name:—gang-stalking, also known as group-stalking, vigilante-stalking and predatory gang-stalking.
For several days in a row, when doing errands in your car, you consistently come in contact with drivers who tailgate you, cut you off in traffic, or maybe pull out in front of you unexpectedly. Or you go out to get your mail and see someone sitting on a bicycle watching you from a distance. Or maybe you notice a sudden increase in strange cars driving slowly pasd your home. Or you get the feeling you are being followed but don’t see anyone there. Or you find garbage strewn on your lawn or piles of dirt where dirt shouldn’t be. Or you return to your home and notice that pictures or knick knacks aren’t where they were when you left.
Is this all just coincidental or is there something more to it? You might even wonder if you just have an over-active imagination or if maybe you’ve slipped a few cogs upstairs.
Over the past ten years, a phenomenon has become apparent that more recently has been given a name:—gang-stalking, also known as group-stalking, vigilante-stalking and predatory gang-stalking.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015

Originally shared by Dee Shot
August 24, 2015
Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment
August 24, 2015
Hello Viewers
1-The collection titled “GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT & ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE ON ME” will have some of my evidentiary videos on the Electronic Harassment and Illegal Surveillance that has been perpetrated against me to date by the Government directly, through its own Government gang stalking agents, as well as indirectly, through Corporate gang stalking agents that have been doing the dirty and illegal work of the government on the government’s behalf.
2-Throughout 2011, and as a result of experiencing and of witnessing increased frequency of harassing activities against me as well as health related matters and events conclusive of “GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT & ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE ON ME”, I began videotaping my in-house activities in my new apartment during the day and during the night in order to try to obtain some type of evidence constituting proof of what I was experiencing and witnessing, hence, proof of what was done to me and by whom. Although, I was able to discern the identity of the immediate perpetrators by the obvious methods they used, I still needed to know who was behind their odd early harassing actions and to prove it as well.
3-Right after I moved into my new apartment on February 2011, these harassing activities began from the apartment above mine, “thereafter “apt 2B” ”. These harassing activities initially appeared to involve a 24/7 repetitive loud banging and repetitive loud furniture noises, identical to ones one is making when one is moving into an apartment. Later they had come to include bouncing ball type of sounds. Strange clicking sounds were also heard throughout the entire apartment on 24/7 basis, as if some type of equipment was operating prior to and/or at the same time as some types of harassment were going on. Other identical harassing banging sounds came from the two apartments next to mine and were accompanied by laughter from the tenants whose identity I also did not know when I moved in nor had any problems with. The loud banging activities frequently occurred right above me and at all areas where I was physically standing inside my apartment. I use the word “harassing” because their timing along with the methods and techniques involved indicated a clear intent to have me harassed as well as sleep deprived.
4-By way of example, if I was in the bathroom, then these repetitive loud and harassing activities would occur right above the bathroom of the apartment above mine, hence right above my physical body, while the loud footsteps of these tenants along with their forcefully loud laughter were also heard when they were heading towards their bathroom at the same time I was heading towards my bathroom and also during said harassing activities. Same harassing events would repeat themselves when I was in the kitchen cooking, or when I was using my computer in the living room or when I was sleeping on my bed or even when I was walking around my apartment. These tenants’ loud banging footsteps would be heard following me everywhere I went inside my apartment and shadowing my moves inside my apartment as if they were holding a real-time monitor that showed them exactly where I was standing inside my apartment, where I was walking inside my apartment and where I was going to inside my apartment. To make matters worse, the tenants of 2B, along with the landlord and his sons, were repeating excerpts of my communications that occurred inside my apartment either to me during our later conversations, or while they were outside and in close proximity to me or to my apartment, fully aware that their repetitive narrations of my communications would be heard by me. Now I know that this is called “Parroting”.
5-I also noticed that the landlord and his sons were also causing the same type of 24/7 harassing activities themselves from apartment 2B, when the tenants of 2B were either working or were away on vacation or were away for the weekends. I noticed that all three of them, the father and his two sons, would take shifts in being inside the apartment 2B and in causing the stated 24/7 harassment, when the tenants of 2B would not be there as noted. The constant loud vibration that was heard throughout my apartment on 24/7 basis, and which I had attributed to a heater or to another Electrical Unit being in use by the tenants of 2B, made these harassing activities even worse,(video evidence of that). Inside and outside my apartment, and in all areas of my life, I had been subjected to all of the gang stalking methods and techniques that have been outlined in the following links:
6-The apartment above mine, was rented, on the record, to two people and had three tenancy vacancies from four tenancies while I was a tenant there in apartment 1B:
(a)-The first tenancy that was in effect before I moved in, had two Arab men when I moved in.
(b)-The second tenancy while I was a tenant there, had a Hispanic gay male couple Anthony Castro who, like his live in partner / lover at the time, Jose Cuevas, looks so harmless on the web and yet he, like his partner, Jose Cuevas, is an evil cold hearted murderer who would do anything for money. At about 5 feet 3 inches or 5 feet 4 inches each, is no wonder they had a problem lifting the heavy Microwave Laser that they were attacking me with on 24/7 basis. They were even bringing friends of theirs to do the attacks on their behalf, when they and the Senatore clan were too busy. I have multiple videos that prove the harassment I claimed here as I also I also have undisputed proof that they also filed false reports against me in order to accommodate the framing job they were bribed to do with known false criminal charges and with known false mental disorders. They did not have any success with any of them.. It was during their lengthy tenancy that I found out about the Microwave Laser attacks. They got away by vacating when they smelled that a lawsuit would take them down too..but I found them on the web. Take a look at the links below to see how harmless and innocent they look as C.U.N.Y’s YORK College Graduate and as SUNY's Graduate:
They don't look like the type of evil, ruthless, sadistic and cold heated people who would frame an innocent person for money nor do they look like the type of evil, ruthless, sadistic and cold heated people who would carry a Microwave Laser Weapon around to slow kill another human being in exchange for money .. in another words they don't look like "murderers for hire" and yet they are...They engaged in framing, harassing, abusing, stalking and slow killing activities in exchange for money,...just to name a few...!!
(c)-the third tenancy was a Hindu married couple whose name was missing from the mail box
(d)-the fourth tenancy was a Malaysian or Philippine married couple whose last name escapes me at this point but will find it in due time. I had done a bit of research on it in the past, thus, assuming it was accurate, I should be able to track them down too. During the apartment’s vacancies, and as my videos further prove, the landlord’s two sons were conducting these harassing activities in rotating shifts.
7-These harassing activities had revealed to me that the tenants of 2B, whom I never had any problems with nor knew their identity when I moved in, along with the landlord and his two sons, Henry Senatore (father), Carlos / Carl Senatore (son), Henry Senatore (son), had an early and suspect knowledge of my communications as well as my activities that occurred inside my apartment and that they were utilizing this knowledge in order to cause the stated harassing activities from above. This undisputed revelation had the added effect of revealing to me the fact that that these individuals could hear and see whatever was going on inside my apartment.
8-Being that during my early tenancy I was a tenant who never had any problems with the tenants of 2B nor with the landlord and his two sons, I could not understand why these harassing activities were being perpetrated against me by these individuals, especially right after I moved into my new apartment. As a new tenant, I tried very hard to avoid confrontations with all of them and I waited it out hoping that the reason would reveal itself or that this harassment would eventually stop. In order to keep the peace and to induce them to stop their harassing activities, I refrained from exercising my First Amendment Rights immediately after my discovery of a fraudulent and illegal rent overcharge, of significant difference, for my rent stabilized apartment. I kept paying the overcharged rent timely and I was a model tenant, as my taped conversations with the landlord and his sons prove.
9-After a bit of intense research, the reason was revealed to be the State & Federal government as well as my very wealthy ex-landlords and owners of Alma Realty, who, along with the State & Federal government, were anticipating the filling of a multi million dollar civil suit from me for their lengthy mutually incurred liability from 1994. My ex-landlords, are identified as Efstathios Valiotis / Steve Valitotis for short, his wife Stamatiki Valiotis, his daughter Sofia Valiotis (Attorney) who had gotten involved only lately I am told, and their partner Nikolaos Andriotis / Nick Andriotis, for short, (thereafter “Alma Realty”). Alma Realty is one of their Real Estate businesses. Sources close to the Alma Realty landlords, who had always provided accurate, credible and reliable information to me about their evil deeds against me from 1994 to date, also revealed to me fact that the government and corporate gang stalkers followed my whereabouts to my new address, and thereafter the Alma Realty landlords bribed the new landlord, his two sons and all the tenants of 2B, in order to cause the harassing activities briefly described here.
10-The Alma Realty landlords had always been the State and Federal government’s number one coercive and bribing tool through whom they had been committing, in concert, the most atrocious criminal framing acts against me to date. The basic pattern of their lengthy framing operation included, and was not limited to: (1)-the discovery of my whereabouts by the government and corporate gang stalkers as well as by Alma Realty’s corporate gang stalking groups reportedly belonging to an investigative agency hired by Alma Realty, (2)-the coercive and defamatory activities of the government and corporate gang stalkers upon any entity associated with me, be it socially or otherwise, who was willing to lie against me, in exchange for bribes, to the Grand Juries of the time, (3)-Alma Realty’s contact information was given to said entities by the government and corporate gang stalkers in order for the coercive job and the subornation of Grand Jury perjuries to be finalized with more lies and bribes.
11-Unfortunately for them the communications trail that they had created with all of the Grand Jury false witnesses, along with all security cameras from all locations where my whereabouts were discovered, as noted, would serve as evidence against them and would prove their coercive conspiratorial framing game they collectively played against me since 1994 to date. Each and every time my Brady documents, which also included a demand to testify, demanded the production and Grand Jury submission of these communication and security records in Electronic format with the entire search transaction included, so that no monkey business alterations would take place without a way of proving it, joint prosecutors did what they had been doing all along from 1994 to date: They would dismiss the Grand Jury of the time; they would deny its existence; they would instruct, with the help of Alma Realty and their bribes, all Grand Jury witnesses and participants to deny their Grand Jury testimonies and proceedings; they would call my claim of its corrupt, deceptive, fraudulent and abusive proceedings “paranoid” in nature; they would attribute paranoia and any other Mental Illness to me; they would illegally and fraudulently re-convene said Grand Jury with the same fabricated charges and Mental Disorders, whose credibility would also be heightened by the false denials and claims of all recycled false witnesses, including the Alma Realty’s owners; they would cover up as well as ignore and reject all wholly exculpatory evidence I had been submitting to them in support of all of my affirmative defenses, claims and charges against all who testified against me, including the Alma Realty owners; and, basically would defraud Taxpayers and the system itself in order to frame poor little me with the most outrageous criminal acts you can imagine. I had been dismissing them in this way from 1994 to date. Yes ..I have earned some bragging rights about this.
12-By the end of the summer of 2011, same sources had also revealed to me what I had come to suspect anyway because of similar illegal bugging acts that were perpetrated against me by Alma Realty when I was a tenant in one of their buildings for about four and a half years. I was informed that prior to moving into my new apartment, and during the time that my new landlord had the key to my apartment, my apartment was bugged with multiple hidden two way microphones as well as with multiple hidden cameras throughout the entire apartment. Since I had faced the same illegal bugging when I was a tenant in one of Alma Realty’s building from 1992 up to 1996, I realized that “proof” of its use and/or of its installation was what I needed and that without such proof I would not be able to confront anyone nor make any new civil claims against anyone.
13-A more detailed background that would explain the reasons, facts, events and motives behind their mutually incurred liability as well as their ongoing concerted harassing and criminalizing actions against me will be posted in due time. Suffice to add that I have been retaliated by these three entities because I dared to stand up, to advocate, to file documented and valid complaints against them to any appropriate corporate or government agency, (including the Department of Justice which royally ignored me in the most deceptive and pathetic manner .. as they usually do), and, basically, to exercise my Constitutional Rights, most notably my First Amendment Rights, as well as same rights of others similarly situated. Even the NYPD Internal Affairs tried to criminalize me falsely in order to exonerate a 114 Pct Detective who got caught framing me in concert with Alma Realty and, apparently, in exchange of some bribes . The termination of their criminalizing efforts was the result of my aggressive personal as well as administrative complaint to Police Commissioner William Bratton whose suspension order & transfer boot against said Detective, (Detective Williams), evinced not only the reason behind the termination of said criminalizing efforts but also their admission of Det. Williams’ guilt in that the Police Commissioner’s suspension resulted not from listening to me, at a local Town Hall meeting, but rather from listening to what the NYPD Internal Affairs told him about their investigation into my complaint. I am guessing that preventing a lawsuit against NYPD / the City of New York was the reason they “failed” / avoided to formally notify me about Det William’s suspension. It is well known that a policy of ignoring police corruption, of discouraging efforts to uproot it, of actively thwarting complains and of encouraging its maintenance by the so-called “code of silence”, under which even honest officers were expected to protect corrupt colleagues from detection and punishment, (Mollen Report at 51) does exist, as it still does. My plea for help from Police Commissioner Bratton initially went unanswered because he chose to bury rather than confront the corruption problem,(Mollen Report, at 82, 88, 90). His subsequent help to me was a rare occurrence directly related to the Mollen Commission Hearing events of the time and hence it was undertaken merely because “their feet were held to the fire of public scrutiny”,(Mollen Report at 76 & 79). Please Google these self-explanatory documents that are posted on the web and read them:
The Judiciary’s Theft of People’s Right to Petition 31 U. West L.A. L. Rev. 257, (2000); 44 St. Louis L.J. 999
14-My investigation into Alma Realty’s record revealed that they were repetitive offenders of these types of gang stalking and criminal harassment against Tenants and/or against anyone who was a threat to their financial interests. A repetitive and lengthy pattern of evicting, by falsely criminalizing and convicting, was revealed. This method was also employed against me after I reduced my rent and after I began a Tenants’ Association, however, it did not produce the desired results for Alma Realty who knew the danger of the consequential civil liability very well. Same investigation revealed that the Queens District Attorney engaged in corrupt and discriminatory practices in order to aid and abet influential landlords, hence influential voters, in their eviction related goals despite knowledge that their charges against their tenants were false and were fabricated for eviction purposes. Said corrupt and discriminatory practices routinely abused and manipulated the ever so popular and convenient Law 9 NYCRR § 2524.3, Proceedings for eviction--wrongful acts of tenant, 9 NYCRR § 2524.3 (d) The tenant is using or permitting such housing accommodation to be used for immoral or illegal purpose. Eviction by false conviction is the name of the game at the Queens District Attorney’s Office. The Queens County wealthy landlords have an “Uncle” in the Queens District Attorney’s Office. His name is Queens District Attorney Richard Brown. The FOIL Division of the Queens District Attorney’s Office repetitively refused to comply with my FOIL requests for all Landlords’ prosecutions, for all Tenants prosecutions, for all criminal complaints filed against Tenants by Landlords, for all criminal complaints filed against Landlords by their Tenants. I wonder why Duh…!!! They even ignored my FOIA request for "all Police related prosecutions...against whom civilians filed complaints"....I am guessing that they were not any of these. I did not even get any records for "all prosecutions against civilians who filed complaints against police officers" ...I am guessing that they were too many of these.... The Queens District Attorney's Office does not "do" wealthy landlords nor does it "do" police officers. and that's that..end of story.
15-By the end of 2011, and after the fraudulent dismissal of my lawsuit, Alma Realty sources further revealed to me that Alma Realty had bragged, as they often did and do, that the lawsuit that I had filed was dismissed by Court Clerks under the direction and control of the State and Federal government of course. The Judge of record was a silent tool, as it often happens. Lawyers who had reviewed my Pro-Se documents and who admired and praised my work were too shocked to see my lawsuit as well as all my subsequent Motions getting dismissed under erroneous and false pretenses. It is important to note that:
(a)-the dismissal never attributed the “frivolity” label onto my claims, thereby making the re-filling of these same claims possible, especially because added claims have resulted from their mutual and concerted criminal deeds against me to date,
(b)-the content of the dismissal and responses to my Motions made many lawyers laugh and state that “even law students would not write erroneous decisions such as these…this means that the discovery process scared them they ran to cover their ass with a false dismissal ” The biggest complement I received came from their repetitive statements: "You did all that by yourself ? nobody helped you? Are you sure nobody helped you at all? Did you go to Paralegal school or anything like that? These are great...We have seen lawyers who cannot do this good". I guess they gave me bragging rights..
16-After the dismissal of said lawsuit, the above noted Alma Realty sources also informed me that I was being attacked 24/7 by a large and heavy microwave laser which was created by the noted defendants out of an old microwave oven. This reportedly “large and heavy” equipment explained the reason there was a loud banging noise on the ceiling of my apartment, which was the floor of apt. 2B, about 5 or 10 minutes after I was followed in an area inside of my apartment where I had stayed for too long, (be it kitchen or bathroom or closet), as if something heavy fell on the floor because someone could not hold up its weight for too long. I was followed by these defendants while they were carrying this heavy homemade microwave laser with them and were attacking me with its Radiation on 24/7 basis. I was further informed that the loud growling snoring sounds that woke me up at night and/or could not let me sleep at night, were being transmitted onto my nostrils by the use of the noted microwave laser as well as by the use of the multiple two way microphones. As my video evidence later proved, these multiple equipment must have been used to transmit multiple sounds simultaneously as for example when they wanted to whistle or coo coo me or talk to me while the other individual was attacking me with the microwave laser, and was transmitting, onto my nostrils, his loud growling snores with the microwave laser. Said microwave laser reportedly also came in the added form of Homemade Microwave Laser Guns, but these were used mainly for external purposes when I was stalked and harassed outside my apartment.
17-The access to, and use of, other Government Energy Weapons is not excluded from the list of weapons they used against me, simply because their concerted relationship with the State and Federal Government was evinced, in part, by said Government’s:
(a)-repetitive failure, hence refusal, to prosecute the obvious defendants in response to my specific Brady based request to do so which was accompanied by my credible and criminalizing video recorded evidence and other evidence,
(b)-repetitive failure to submit my Brady document, with said evidence, to the sitting joint Grand Jury of the time, in response to my specific Brady based request to do so,
(c)-repetitive failure to call me to testify in any sitting Grand Jury, in response to my repetitive specific Brady based requests to do so,
(d)-re-cycling of all known false witnesses and perpetrators, including Alma Realty’s owners, as innocent victims, and covering up their repetitive criminal acts against me in all Grand Jury proceedings to date,
(e)-repetitive failure to stop persecuting me with baseless, unwarranted known fabricated charges of their own creation in concert with Alma Realty, … the list goes on and on but you get the picture..!!
18-During my tenancy, and as a result of these Microwave attacks, I, much like all TIs of this type of harassment, suffered most of the symptoms related with it. Most notably, the nausea / vomiting episodes; stomach problems; blood in the vomit and in urine; Thyroid related problems; dizziness; sensation of Electric current running through my body; hair loss; continuous never ending coughing; heart palpitations; irregular heartbeat; sweating; excessive weight gain that had reached to 178 lbs from 135-140 and to the heaviest level I had ever been in my life; burns on parts of my body and on eye lids; a lengthy burn type of crust on top of my right eye lid; nose bleeds; tinnitus (ringing in the ears); an unnaturally intense itching in the corners of my eyes and on my eyelids; smells; blurry vision; hologram vision; vision impairment with multiple permanent dark spots on my right eye which I did not report to any doctor out of fear that the answers I would be required to give would cause the doctor to follow government’s corrupt protocol and to attribute to me a fabricated mental illness.
19-During these Microwave attacks, I noticed:
(a)-the malfunction of Electrical equipment such as my laptop and its audio function, especially the audio of my Web Cam in that the video footage that was recorded during the microwave attacks has severe and loud interference, as you will all notice in my posted videos. The audio of video footage that was not created during Microwave attacks is clear and without any hint of interference whatsoever. As annoying as it is, this loud interference during attack times along with its absence during non attack times serves as added evidence to my claim of being attacked with Microwave Laser / Direct Energy Weapons. Microwave frequencies do cause these types of interference and noises.
(b)-the abnormally fast depletion of batteries, especially of my cell phone
(c)-refrigerated food spoilage from a non functional refrigerator which would turn off and oddly, would be turned back on immediately after my angry calls to the landlord
(d)-clicking, popping, buzzing and hissing sounds whose origination I did not know of initially, (video evidence of that).
(e)-an airy breeze type of sensation before and during the Microwave attacks as well as clicks, pop, buzz and hissing sounds. Some of these were also recorded by the Web Cam.
(d)-odd occurrences such as air that pushed my lips out as if I were snoring through my mouth(video evidence of that); flickering of my facial skin as if some type of powerful air was moving it (video evidence of that); frequent scratching of the tip of my nose while I slept and while the snoring was going on(video evidence of that); frequent scratching of my eye lids while I slept and while the snoring was going on(video evidence of that); scratching of the throat, which caused either sneezing or coughing; a tingling inside my nostril that induced itching and/or sneezing; sensation of forceful air being inserted into my esophagus and body through my nostril or through my mouth if I kept my nose covered and breathed through my mouth; Forced manipulation of airways; Cramps and spasms of arms and legs; Fatigue / Sleep attacks; red spot on top of my nose when the snoring was going on (video evidence of that); heart palpitations after lengthy and vigorous esophageal penetration; blockage in my esophagus that made swallowing very difficult and painful, (I noticed that this began prior to the fake snoring process); constant itching inside my nostrils that made me want to scratch the inside of my nose or to “pick” my nose
(e)-male sounding loud snores or male sounding snores with mocking, sarcastic, contemptuous and / or vindictive sound effects on them, that aimed to give the appearance of being emanated from my nose or nostril area and sometimes from my mouth even when my own mouth was completely closed. Snorkel, nasal and oropharyngeal sounds were also recorded on my videos. The accuracy of the above noted information related with the transmission of said sounds by way of Microwave Laser has been has been confirmed and documented. A complete closure of my mouth can be determined from these videos as clearly as the complete opening of the snorer’s mouth while my mouth was completely closed. Similarly, the complete stillness and motionlessness of my facial expressions can also be determined during snoring or voice related episodes that require moving facial expressions. Basically, these videos prove that my mouth was completely closed and that my facial expressions were motionless during these videotaped sound episodes, which also included verbal exclamations by the snorer or coughing by the snorer while I was videotaped sleeping with my mouth completely closed.. It follows, that these videos also prove that someone else was making these sounds and not me. The male gender is as obvious as the fact that said sounds were never created by me. This proof leads to the added proof that said sounds were transmitted onto my nasal / facial area by equipment capable of such type of sound transmission and that this equipment was aided by a hidden camera (s) which were installed in my apartment and enabled the user of this transmission equipment to see the target location for such transmission ..which, for snoring causing purposes, was my nasal / facial area. Since only Lasers can do that and since I also exhibited symptoms of Microwave Laser attacks ..then it was a Microwave Laser that did that. The use, hence installation too, of the two way microphones can easily be discerned by different sounds, which also included vocal sounds and statements made by the tenants of 2B in the tenants’ native language, and which were also recorded simultaneously to the snoring sounds and/or independent from the snoring sounds.
(f)-Low volume voices of the tenants of the apartment above mine were heard from my apartment with strange loudness and clarity as if they were spoken inside my apartment. Whispering voices were also recorded by my Web Cam in same manner. These voices were, at times, in the native language of these tenants during the time the corresponding tenants were residing in 2B. When the Hindu couple lived in 2B, a Hindu statement was recorded being spoken with the husband’s voice. Same occurred during the subsequent residency of the Philippine or Malaysian couple. This was the most damning evidence against them..because I cannot speak nor understand Hindu nor Philippine or Malaysian. The English language was also heard by some males whose voice sounded, in part, like the landlords’ sons. Other times, there was an English speaking male who was a regular inside said apartment, usually at nights, and appeared to be instructing others on how to harass me. During the night, and as my videos can prove, there were multiple individuals involved in the harassing activities claimed of. My videos prove that this was a “gang” type of harassing operation and was executed by all as if they were all employed to do an evening job. The cumulative effect of these noted voices and the stalking methodology used for the sound related harassment along with the repetitive clicking sounds indicated not only their knowledge of my exact whereabouts at specific parts of my apartment and of my communications and activities, but also the installation of multiple two way microphones and multiple hidden cameras into my apartment leading their way into the apartment above so that they can be used for the stated harassing purpose, as they were. This was an in-house gang stalking type of operation with the Electronic Harassment element in it as well.
20-The above described sounds were created and transmitted as noted here, in part, in order to: (a)-disturb my sleep and to cause me to be sleep deprived; To prevent me from sleeping and/or to wake me up when I was sleeping, (b)-to harass me, (c)-to cause serious and grave health related ailments, including Mental Illness, (d)-to slowly kill me basically, (e)-to conduct experiments on me through the attainment of these goals. This method of harassment and form of slow kill, otherwise known as attempted murder, appears to have been employed on others who posted their torturous experiences on the web. Initially, and as a result of my ignorance, I refrained from posting snoring and voice related matters on the web under the Electronic Harassment category, however, after viewing these identical harassing activities and after obtaining some information about Microwave induced forced speech or sound as well as of Microwave Transmission of same, I decided to post mine on the web too in the hope that others similarly situated can find more information on it and employ ways not only to prove it but also to protect themselves. Please take a look at the following Posts in their respective links for identical Electronic Harassment Acts.
1-At the link: A Potential Target, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2005
Cause Of Inmate's Death Unknown
by Terry Groover
What caught my attention about the above article is they said the inmate was making "snoring," "snorting" types of sounds. This suggest to me that the inmate might have been a mc target. The perps routinely hit me with the same kinds of projected snoring, snorting types of sounds. I have been fully awake at times and have heard these projected sounds for myself. The perps have a way of feeding back to the target, the sound effect, of delayed, out of phase, breathing. The effects of this is that it really confuses the target's mind and respiratory system. The target can be asleep and breathing normally, but what the target's unconscious, and maybe even the conscious, mind "hears" is breathing sounds that are 180 degrees out of phase with the expected norm. In other words, during projected delayed breathing, the target's brain hears the sound of breathing in when the normal expected sound is that of exhalation, or breathing out. After a short time of this, the target's brain detects that something is wrong, not consistent, and wakes the target. If you combine the projected snoring and snorting sounds (high energy pulses) with projected delayed breathing, the effects, I feel, could be catastrophic. Especially if the target's brain is, somehow, not allowed to wake the target to consciousness. It would appear to be death by heart or respiratory failure.
2-At the link: but-im-not-mentally-ill-full-episodes/
look for this entry:
Life-Long Target says: May 31, 2015 at 5:56 am
“Another favorite of the perps is to have this recording of snoring sounds, synchronized to my breathing. And I was suspicious that it was the perps again, so where normally I’d be breathing in, I held my breath, and I still heard the snoring sound. I though “aha!”.
3-At the link:
Recording Microwave Hearing Effects: Literature Review and Case Report of an Affiant to Recording Remote Harassment, John J. McMurtrey, M. S., Copyright 2006, 2008 Jul 20
“Other sounds that the affiant affirms not to be made by him and intended to harass him at night, resembled snoring or nasal and oropharyngeal sounds. The provided videocassette contained compiled recordings of similar sound episodes (as well as sounds that may be distorted voice, as so affirmed by the affiant)”.
Same Article can be found in a detailed 6 page form at this link:
4-At the link:
Gary Lynn Clough - Lawsuit To End Electronic Harassment
"I'm attacked nightly with electronic snores…”
21-Notwithstanding Law Enforcement’s clear cut complicity in using these Direct Energy Weapons against Targeted Individuals, providing access to same to Corporate Gang Stalkers and training them on how to use them against Targeted Individuals is a claim that has legs to walk and run…otherwise there would not be so many evidence for Law Enforcement’s complicity in the criminal acts of Corporate Gang Stalkers, as my evidence also prove. Similarly, we must not exclude the fact that knowledge and instructions on how to create these type of Microwave Laser weapons as well as other similar portable weapons, is readily available on the web. It pains me to include the links below but I must because I must support the claims I make.
See where the concept of turning a microwave oven into a Direct Energy Weapon is confirmed and explained by Private Investigator and our hero Roger Tolces
Oh..!! and let us not forget these Home-Made Weapon Variations – Do-it yourself burning lasers!!/ Turn a MiniMag flashlight into a powerful DVD laser pointer
How to make a handheld 1W 445nm blue laser torch
22-My decision to video record my in-house activities was plagued with many fears and concerns about its failure to produce the anticipated substantial evidentiary results that would serve to indicate, in an evidentiary manner, that an installation of some type of bugging equipment, such as hidden two way microphone and hidden cameras, must have been made in that otherwise these “substantial evidentiary results” would not have occurred nor would they have been video recorded as they were.
23-At the time of my decision to video record, I had no knowledge that I was being attacked with Direct Energy Weapons / Microwave Laser weapons. I only suspected the illegal installation and use of multiple two way microphones and hidden cameras and wanted to obtain some type of evidence for “use” and / or for “installation”. I felt that video recording the fake loud male growling snores that were continuously heard during the night near my nostrils would not serve as proof of use and installation of hidden two way microphones nor of hidden cameras unless I would be able to videotape, with clarity, that these sounds do not come from my nostril or mouth but are, rather, transmitted into my apartment and onto my nostril area by the use of hidden two way microphones and hidden cameras, the latter of which was helping defendants in finding out the exact location of my face in order to transmit these sounds close to my nostrils with the nearest two way microphone. Without this type of proof, I felt that the “defendants” would successfully defend, as they later did, by attributing these strange and abnormal snoring sounds to me and would continue harassing me with these sounds, as they repetitively did. Based on this way of thinking, you can see how little I knew at the time. I did not even know what a Laser was much less a Microwave Laser. … but I did learn fast.
24-Initially, I started videotaping with my Sony camcorder, however, its 2 hour maximum recording limit along with my inability to afford a camcorder with a longer battery life and with greater storage, led to some creative thinking which, in turn, led me to the use of my laptop’s Web Cam which could record as long as there was a storage big enough to store the video output. An external HD of 4 TB solved the problem of storing lengthy video recordings, particularly the ones created during the entire night. My SONY VAIO’s Web Cam was my only affordable choice.
25-I knew that my video recording would be seen by them and that their knowledge of my evidence seeking video recording would cause them to change the form and methods of their harassing activities in order to prevent me from documenting it on my videos, hence, to prevent me from obtaining any evidence and proof of what they were collectively doing in concert. Feeling that their knowledge of my video recording would cause them to evade detection and documentation by engaging in more subtle or discrete harassing activities was very stressful to me in that this feeling along with my inability to afford the high – tech equipment that would immediately prove the use and installation of these equipment with credible and substantial evidence, made me feel helpless, powerless and frustrated… to say the least..!!. If I had known of the Direct Energy Weapons attacks, I would still feel the same because I could not afford any of the high-tech equipment that could measure this stuff and find, for proof’s sake, the direction the directed energy is coming from and / or whether I was also attacked with X-Rays in that symptoms did indicate the use of X-Rays as well. I began video recording without any expectations of success.
26-After seeing the severe loud interference in my first video recording, I was very disappointed and I wanted to stop, however, an expert’s advice that this was evidence supporting my claim gave me courage to continue. When my video recordings began showing the above described evidence indicating not only the use and installation of hidden two way microphone and hidden cameras but also evidence of Direct Energy Weapons Attacks as well as evidence of the primary perpetrators, I could not stop video recording. I have about a year’s worth of video recordings. These lengthy video recordings, which include about 7 or 8 hours of footage, needed, and still do, lengthy editing in order to make them short and compliant with the policies of YouTube, Google Plus or any other Social Media platform they will be published on.
27-I will soon be posting some of these videos. "Soon" is defined as within the next two weeks or so. I wanted to give all viewers a quick background about what to expect to see in those videos. Because of the lengthy review and editing process and also because I have only reviewed a few months of video recordings, posting them may be a bit slower.
28-I will post them they way they were recorded with my Web Cam. I apologize for the evidentiary loud static interference noise but do remember that even this loud static interference noise constitutes success in evidence accumulation. Besides, the “evidentiary meat” is in there. What needed to be obtained was obtained even with my poor man’s tool. I know that there are software out there that can remove or significantly minimize this loud interference noise but I would refrain from removing or minimizing this type of evidence from these videos. After all I am publishing them as evidence, hence, they must be published in their original form. If I can make the audio parts a bit louder without removing or minimizing the interference, I would but I do not know how to do things like that and I cannot even afford any software that could do things like that. If anyone has any advice or suggestion on this please let me know.
29-I was informed that, much like State and Federal Government, Alma Realty is a frequent viewer of my YouTube Channel and my Google Plus account. Now that I am naming names, I invite Alma Realty to sue me. As a matter of fact, I dare Alma Realty to sue me….!!! Same holds true for all other named perpetrators.
30-In closing, I add that same type of Electronic Harassment also occurred at my parents’ home after I moved in as a result of the harassing activities described above. Initially, and as I was further informed, this type of harassment was perpetrated upon me by my brother’s children who resided in the parental private home and provided convenient access to the perpetrators who were conducting the above described Electronic Harassment. In addition, several other perps took occupancy right across the street from the parental home and were conducting this 24/7 Electronic Harassment through their two street facing windows that had a direct view at the street facing windows of the parental home. I have accumulated plenty of video recorded evidence that can also prove more of the above.
31-The continuity of the perps’ residency in same apartment after I vacated the parental home on October 1, 2014 along with my observation of identical Electronic Harassing activities being perpetrated against my parents while they were sleeping leads me to believe that they have made my parents Targeted Individuals for similar Electronic Harassment and that the perp remained in same apartment in order to continue harassing them and destroying their health in same Electronic manner with fabricated snores. Since my family participated in the concerted attacks against my mentality, even though they knew them to be false, I refrained from informing them of the fact that they too were being harassed in same manner while they were sleeping. They were all aching to use anything against my mentality and I was not going to give them any opportunity to succeed. My parents had the financial ability to afford some of the high tech equipment that would have helped them prove it and protect themselves from it but since I was not going to be believed or taken seriously then why bother telling them and give them the opportunity to use any of my statements against my mentality.
32-In summation, and with regard to my family problems, my evil and wicked brother, who has lengthy Psychiatric records due to lengthy substance abuse, joined the evil efforts of the gang stalkers and Alma Realty because, as I was informed, he was heavy on the take which had accommodated his drug abuse. His adherence and participation entailed, in part, his active participation with the defamation and criminalization protocol: (a)-by repeating their false information about me to our parents, knowing that the information he was passing on to them was false, (b)-by submitting, as a witness and as a complaining witness, false information about me as well as charges, right along with his children and wife, which would not only criminalize me but also define me mentally ill. Repetitive failures in all never discouraged any of them because they had an ulterior motive you see.
33-My brother’s ulterior motive, which was shared by his wife and children, was to cause our parents to see me as a danger to their assets, to take me out of their will and to give him and his children all of their assets and money. In order to insure the success of his efforts he made sure that our parents saw the fake police arrest reports for false despicable and immoral crimes that Alma Realty had fabricated and circulated around, with the help of the gang stalkers, for purpose of inducing belief and cooperation with their concerted framing activities. He succeeded because I was isolated from the family unit and thereafter I was also taken out of the will such that he ended up not only with the 2 family house they bought for him but also with the 4 family house they are currently living into whose monthly rental income from the 4 rental units is around $7 thousand dollars a month. Not a bad incentive to join Alma Realty's and the gang stalkers' evil goals and not to give a shit whether you hurt and destroy your own sister in the process ? Especially since he was also being rewarded by Alma Realty. To top it all off he also inherited our parents’ entire and substantial savings which, based on recent information, is being used to buy him yet another home.
34-My parents, who believed all the despicable bullshit about me, joined in the fun and not only isolated me but also made life unbearable for me. I am being polite when I use this word because there are other worse words that fit what they collectively did to me. It was easy for them to isolate them because I was never wanted to begin with. An unwanted child is easy to abuse to isolate and to mistreat especially in a setting such as this. Since I was shown to them to be such a despicable person my parents had a greater incentive: (a)-to take me out of a will that did not give me much anyway, (b)-to take the position that I deserved not to be helped but only to be punished, (c)-to join the efforts and actions of the gang stalkers and of Alma Realty whose needs they knew from my evil and wicked brother. If the gang stalkers and Alma Realty needed criminal charges against me for xy and z as well as some mental disorders, my dysfunctional and evil family accommodated them by fabricating them and by filling them against me. Their collective deceptive, fraudulent and evil efforts to evict me from the parental home and to define me mentally ill with known false claims involved events that are too painful to describe. With a family like that I certainly did not need any enemies. The only reason continuity became possible, was because my family helped the efforts of the enemy and not me.
35-Even though I had so much and so many against me I was never arrested or prosecuted or indicted because I always kept up with it, I obtained all necessary evidence and I kept dismissing them with Brady documents, as noted here. God was watching out for me all along. As a result of all of these events, I was placed in this endless program and I suffered as claimed to date. The recent family problems, which are equally painful, will be included in future updates. At the advice of counsel, I will refrain from disclosing certain types of information that are deemed to be legally confidential, for strategic purposes and as a result of endless, ongoing framing activities against me, otherwise known as endless, ongoing witch hunt.
36-With regard to the evidentiary videos for Electronic Harassment and Illegal Surveillance on me, I will be posting more in the near future. With the four that I have already posted, you got an idea of the type of evidence I managed to get even with my poor man's tools. As you can see, I am also creating some Google Plus Collections, one of them being my very favorite in that it will include the identities of New York City Gang Stalkers. I do not kid around folks. It is pay back time.
37-My evidentiary Videos about the Government sponsored Gang Stalking that has been perpetrated against me to date, are included in my YouTube page as well as in my Google Plus corresponding collection. You can click the YouTube button in this page and you will be taken to my YouTube Channel whose "Video" Link would lead you to all of my Videos to date. More of those Videos will be coming up too. The cover image for this collection was taken from the website of our hero Roger Tolces. The link is:
The image on his website has descriptive content about Electronic Harassment done, in part, by way of converting a Microwave Oven into a Microwave Laser weapon, as was done initially in my case. The noted image, with its descriptive terms, has been included in this Post, by linking it to Roger Tolces' website, for the Viewers' immediate convenience. See image below
38-This notification was added on 7-15-15. On the eve of 7-14-15, and I assume as a result of the content of this introduction, I was threatened by two male gang stalkers who showed me a blue laser weapon which was similar to the one shown on the links I posted. They waved it around in a threatening manner and then they laughed out loud and left. If anything happens to me, you will know how it was done and who did it.
39-On August 22,,2015 a black male entered the same train as I did and held a flash light in a suspect manner while eye balling me in a hateful purposeful manner. After I questioned him about what he was holding, he began acting nervous and gave odd answers. He then proceeded in activating the flash light and pointing its light straight at my face and towards my eye area in an equally suspect manner as if he was holding a weapon and as if he wanted to harm my eyes with it. I avoided staring at it and began videotaping him. Alma Realty sources informed me that a flash light was converted into a dangerous laser weapon, by the methods reported in the above noted links, and that it was meant to be used against me and to cause blinding harm to my eyes. I am on a 24/7 tensed protective watch out in order to prevent the contemplated harm. I also began using protective eye gear when I sleep in the trains. I would give anything to have a home of my own; to sleep in my own bed; to cook my own food and to live like a normal person free from fear, tyranny, gang stalking and physical as well as emotional torture. I hope a kind heart sees all the evidence I posted and helps me out of this endless 24/7 dangerous and grave turmoil.
Many Thanks to all Viewers
August 24, 2015
Hello Viewers
1-The collection titled “GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT & ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE ON ME” will have some of my evidentiary videos on the Electronic Harassment and Illegal Surveillance that has been perpetrated against me to date by the Government directly, through its own Government gang stalking agents, as well as indirectly, through Corporate gang stalking agents that have been doing the dirty and illegal work of the government on the government’s behalf.
2-Throughout 2011, and as a result of experiencing and of witnessing increased frequency of harassing activities against me as well as health related matters and events conclusive of “GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT & ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE ON ME”, I began videotaping my in-house activities in my new apartment during the day and during the night in order to try to obtain some type of evidence constituting proof of what I was experiencing and witnessing, hence, proof of what was done to me and by whom. Although, I was able to discern the identity of the immediate perpetrators by the obvious methods they used, I still needed to know who was behind their odd early harassing actions and to prove it as well.
3-Right after I moved into my new apartment on February 2011, these harassing activities began from the apartment above mine, “thereafter “apt 2B” ”. These harassing activities initially appeared to involve a 24/7 repetitive loud banging and repetitive loud furniture noises, identical to ones one is making when one is moving into an apartment. Later they had come to include bouncing ball type of sounds. Strange clicking sounds were also heard throughout the entire apartment on 24/7 basis, as if some type of equipment was operating prior to and/or at the same time as some types of harassment were going on. Other identical harassing banging sounds came from the two apartments next to mine and were accompanied by laughter from the tenants whose identity I also did not know when I moved in nor had any problems with. The loud banging activities frequently occurred right above me and at all areas where I was physically standing inside my apartment. I use the word “harassing” because their timing along with the methods and techniques involved indicated a clear intent to have me harassed as well as sleep deprived.
4-By way of example, if I was in the bathroom, then these repetitive loud and harassing activities would occur right above the bathroom of the apartment above mine, hence right above my physical body, while the loud footsteps of these tenants along with their forcefully loud laughter were also heard when they were heading towards their bathroom at the same time I was heading towards my bathroom and also during said harassing activities. Same harassing events would repeat themselves when I was in the kitchen cooking, or when I was using my computer in the living room or when I was sleeping on my bed or even when I was walking around my apartment. These tenants’ loud banging footsteps would be heard following me everywhere I went inside my apartment and shadowing my moves inside my apartment as if they were holding a real-time monitor that showed them exactly where I was standing inside my apartment, where I was walking inside my apartment and where I was going to inside my apartment. To make matters worse, the tenants of 2B, along with the landlord and his sons, were repeating excerpts of my communications that occurred inside my apartment either to me during our later conversations, or while they were outside and in close proximity to me or to my apartment, fully aware that their repetitive narrations of my communications would be heard by me. Now I know that this is called “Parroting”.
5-I also noticed that the landlord and his sons were also causing the same type of 24/7 harassing activities themselves from apartment 2B, when the tenants of 2B were either working or were away on vacation or were away for the weekends. I noticed that all three of them, the father and his two sons, would take shifts in being inside the apartment 2B and in causing the stated 24/7 harassment, when the tenants of 2B would not be there as noted. The constant loud vibration that was heard throughout my apartment on 24/7 basis, and which I had attributed to a heater or to another Electrical Unit being in use by the tenants of 2B, made these harassing activities even worse,(video evidence of that). Inside and outside my apartment, and in all areas of my life, I had been subjected to all of the gang stalking methods and techniques that have been outlined in the following links:
6-The apartment above mine, was rented, on the record, to two people and had three tenancy vacancies from four tenancies while I was a tenant there in apartment 1B:
(a)-The first tenancy that was in effect before I moved in, had two Arab men when I moved in.
(b)-The second tenancy while I was a tenant there, had a Hispanic gay male couple Anthony Castro who, like his live in partner / lover at the time, Jose Cuevas, looks so harmless on the web and yet he, like his partner, Jose Cuevas, is an evil cold hearted murderer who would do anything for money. At about 5 feet 3 inches or 5 feet 4 inches each, is no wonder they had a problem lifting the heavy Microwave Laser that they were attacking me with on 24/7 basis. They were even bringing friends of theirs to do the attacks on their behalf, when they and the Senatore clan were too busy. I have multiple videos that prove the harassment I claimed here as I also I also have undisputed proof that they also filed false reports against me in order to accommodate the framing job they were bribed to do with known false criminal charges and with known false mental disorders. They did not have any success with any of them.. It was during their lengthy tenancy that I found out about the Microwave Laser attacks. They got away by vacating when they smelled that a lawsuit would take them down too..but I found them on the web. Take a look at the links below to see how harmless and innocent they look as C.U.N.Y’s YORK College Graduate and as SUNY's Graduate:
They don't look like the type of evil, ruthless, sadistic and cold heated people who would frame an innocent person for money nor do they look like the type of evil, ruthless, sadistic and cold heated people who would carry a Microwave Laser Weapon around to slow kill another human being in exchange for money .. in another words they don't look like "murderers for hire" and yet they are...They engaged in framing, harassing, abusing, stalking and slow killing activities in exchange for money,...just to name a few...!!
(c)-the third tenancy was a Hindu married couple whose name was missing from the mail box
(d)-the fourth tenancy was a Malaysian or Philippine married couple whose last name escapes me at this point but will find it in due time. I had done a bit of research on it in the past, thus, assuming it was accurate, I should be able to track them down too. During the apartment’s vacancies, and as my videos further prove, the landlord’s two sons were conducting these harassing activities in rotating shifts.
7-These harassing activities had revealed to me that the tenants of 2B, whom I never had any problems with nor knew their identity when I moved in, along with the landlord and his two sons, Henry Senatore (father), Carlos / Carl Senatore (son), Henry Senatore (son), had an early and suspect knowledge of my communications as well as my activities that occurred inside my apartment and that they were utilizing this knowledge in order to cause the stated harassing activities from above. This undisputed revelation had the added effect of revealing to me the fact that that these individuals could hear and see whatever was going on inside my apartment.
8-Being that during my early tenancy I was a tenant who never had any problems with the tenants of 2B nor with the landlord and his two sons, I could not understand why these harassing activities were being perpetrated against me by these individuals, especially right after I moved into my new apartment. As a new tenant, I tried very hard to avoid confrontations with all of them and I waited it out hoping that the reason would reveal itself or that this harassment would eventually stop. In order to keep the peace and to induce them to stop their harassing activities, I refrained from exercising my First Amendment Rights immediately after my discovery of a fraudulent and illegal rent overcharge, of significant difference, for my rent stabilized apartment. I kept paying the overcharged rent timely and I was a model tenant, as my taped conversations with the landlord and his sons prove.
9-After a bit of intense research, the reason was revealed to be the State & Federal government as well as my very wealthy ex-landlords and owners of Alma Realty, who, along with the State & Federal government, were anticipating the filling of a multi million dollar civil suit from me for their lengthy mutually incurred liability from 1994. My ex-landlords, are identified as Efstathios Valiotis / Steve Valitotis for short, his wife Stamatiki Valiotis, his daughter Sofia Valiotis (Attorney) who had gotten involved only lately I am told, and their partner Nikolaos Andriotis / Nick Andriotis, for short, (thereafter “Alma Realty”). Alma Realty is one of their Real Estate businesses. Sources close to the Alma Realty landlords, who had always provided accurate, credible and reliable information to me about their evil deeds against me from 1994 to date, also revealed to me fact that the government and corporate gang stalkers followed my whereabouts to my new address, and thereafter the Alma Realty landlords bribed the new landlord, his two sons and all the tenants of 2B, in order to cause the harassing activities briefly described here.
10-The Alma Realty landlords had always been the State and Federal government’s number one coercive and bribing tool through whom they had been committing, in concert, the most atrocious criminal framing acts against me to date. The basic pattern of their lengthy framing operation included, and was not limited to: (1)-the discovery of my whereabouts by the government and corporate gang stalkers as well as by Alma Realty’s corporate gang stalking groups reportedly belonging to an investigative agency hired by Alma Realty, (2)-the coercive and defamatory activities of the government and corporate gang stalkers upon any entity associated with me, be it socially or otherwise, who was willing to lie against me, in exchange for bribes, to the Grand Juries of the time, (3)-Alma Realty’s contact information was given to said entities by the government and corporate gang stalkers in order for the coercive job and the subornation of Grand Jury perjuries to be finalized with more lies and bribes.
11-Unfortunately for them the communications trail that they had created with all of the Grand Jury false witnesses, along with all security cameras from all locations where my whereabouts were discovered, as noted, would serve as evidence against them and would prove their coercive conspiratorial framing game they collectively played against me since 1994 to date. Each and every time my Brady documents, which also included a demand to testify, demanded the production and Grand Jury submission of these communication and security records in Electronic format with the entire search transaction included, so that no monkey business alterations would take place without a way of proving it, joint prosecutors did what they had been doing all along from 1994 to date: They would dismiss the Grand Jury of the time; they would deny its existence; they would instruct, with the help of Alma Realty and their bribes, all Grand Jury witnesses and participants to deny their Grand Jury testimonies and proceedings; they would call my claim of its corrupt, deceptive, fraudulent and abusive proceedings “paranoid” in nature; they would attribute paranoia and any other Mental Illness to me; they would illegally and fraudulently re-convene said Grand Jury with the same fabricated charges and Mental Disorders, whose credibility would also be heightened by the false denials and claims of all recycled false witnesses, including the Alma Realty’s owners; they would cover up as well as ignore and reject all wholly exculpatory evidence I had been submitting to them in support of all of my affirmative defenses, claims and charges against all who testified against me, including the Alma Realty owners; and, basically would defraud Taxpayers and the system itself in order to frame poor little me with the most outrageous criminal acts you can imagine. I had been dismissing them in this way from 1994 to date. Yes ..I have earned some bragging rights about this.
12-By the end of the summer of 2011, same sources had also revealed to me what I had come to suspect anyway because of similar illegal bugging acts that were perpetrated against me by Alma Realty when I was a tenant in one of their buildings for about four and a half years. I was informed that prior to moving into my new apartment, and during the time that my new landlord had the key to my apartment, my apartment was bugged with multiple hidden two way microphones as well as with multiple hidden cameras throughout the entire apartment. Since I had faced the same illegal bugging when I was a tenant in one of Alma Realty’s building from 1992 up to 1996, I realized that “proof” of its use and/or of its installation was what I needed and that without such proof I would not be able to confront anyone nor make any new civil claims against anyone.
13-A more detailed background that would explain the reasons, facts, events and motives behind their mutually incurred liability as well as their ongoing concerted harassing and criminalizing actions against me will be posted in due time. Suffice to add that I have been retaliated by these three entities because I dared to stand up, to advocate, to file documented and valid complaints against them to any appropriate corporate or government agency, (including the Department of Justice which royally ignored me in the most deceptive and pathetic manner .. as they usually do), and, basically, to exercise my Constitutional Rights, most notably my First Amendment Rights, as well as same rights of others similarly situated. Even the NYPD Internal Affairs tried to criminalize me falsely in order to exonerate a 114 Pct Detective who got caught framing me in concert with Alma Realty and, apparently, in exchange of some bribes . The termination of their criminalizing efforts was the result of my aggressive personal as well as administrative complaint to Police Commissioner William Bratton whose suspension order & transfer boot against said Detective, (Detective Williams), evinced not only the reason behind the termination of said criminalizing efforts but also their admission of Det. Williams’ guilt in that the Police Commissioner’s suspension resulted not from listening to me, at a local Town Hall meeting, but rather from listening to what the NYPD Internal Affairs told him about their investigation into my complaint. I am guessing that preventing a lawsuit against NYPD / the City of New York was the reason they “failed” / avoided to formally notify me about Det William’s suspension. It is well known that a policy of ignoring police corruption, of discouraging efforts to uproot it, of actively thwarting complains and of encouraging its maintenance by the so-called “code of silence”, under which even honest officers were expected to protect corrupt colleagues from detection and punishment, (Mollen Report at 51) does exist, as it still does. My plea for help from Police Commissioner Bratton initially went unanswered because he chose to bury rather than confront the corruption problem,(Mollen Report, at 82, 88, 90). His subsequent help to me was a rare occurrence directly related to the Mollen Commission Hearing events of the time and hence it was undertaken merely because “their feet were held to the fire of public scrutiny”,(Mollen Report at 76 & 79). Please Google these self-explanatory documents that are posted on the web and read them:
The Judiciary’s Theft of People’s Right to Petition 31 U. West L.A. L. Rev. 257, (2000); 44 St. Louis L.J. 999
14-My investigation into Alma Realty’s record revealed that they were repetitive offenders of these types of gang stalking and criminal harassment against Tenants and/or against anyone who was a threat to their financial interests. A repetitive and lengthy pattern of evicting, by falsely criminalizing and convicting, was revealed. This method was also employed against me after I reduced my rent and after I began a Tenants’ Association, however, it did not produce the desired results for Alma Realty who knew the danger of the consequential civil liability very well. Same investigation revealed that the Queens District Attorney engaged in corrupt and discriminatory practices in order to aid and abet influential landlords, hence influential voters, in their eviction related goals despite knowledge that their charges against their tenants were false and were fabricated for eviction purposes. Said corrupt and discriminatory practices routinely abused and manipulated the ever so popular and convenient Law 9 NYCRR § 2524.3, Proceedings for eviction--wrongful acts of tenant, 9 NYCRR § 2524.3 (d) The tenant is using or permitting such housing accommodation to be used for immoral or illegal purpose. Eviction by false conviction is the name of the game at the Queens District Attorney’s Office. The Queens County wealthy landlords have an “Uncle” in the Queens District Attorney’s Office. His name is Queens District Attorney Richard Brown. The FOIL Division of the Queens District Attorney’s Office repetitively refused to comply with my FOIL requests for all Landlords’ prosecutions, for all Tenants prosecutions, for all criminal complaints filed against Tenants by Landlords, for all criminal complaints filed against Landlords by their Tenants. I wonder why Duh…!!! They even ignored my FOIA request for "all Police related prosecutions...against whom civilians filed complaints"....I am guessing that they were not any of these. I did not even get any records for "all prosecutions against civilians who filed complaints against police officers" ...I am guessing that they were too many of these.... The Queens District Attorney's Office does not "do" wealthy landlords nor does it "do" police officers. and that's that..end of story.
15-By the end of 2011, and after the fraudulent dismissal of my lawsuit, Alma Realty sources further revealed to me that Alma Realty had bragged, as they often did and do, that the lawsuit that I had filed was dismissed by Court Clerks under the direction and control of the State and Federal government of course. The Judge of record was a silent tool, as it often happens. Lawyers who had reviewed my Pro-Se documents and who admired and praised my work were too shocked to see my lawsuit as well as all my subsequent Motions getting dismissed under erroneous and false pretenses. It is important to note that:
(a)-the dismissal never attributed the “frivolity” label onto my claims, thereby making the re-filling of these same claims possible, especially because added claims have resulted from their mutual and concerted criminal deeds against me to date,
(b)-the content of the dismissal and responses to my Motions made many lawyers laugh and state that “even law students would not write erroneous decisions such as these…this means that the discovery process scared them they ran to cover their ass with a false dismissal ” The biggest complement I received came from their repetitive statements: "You did all that by yourself ? nobody helped you? Are you sure nobody helped you at all? Did you go to Paralegal school or anything like that? These are great...We have seen lawyers who cannot do this good". I guess they gave me bragging rights..
16-After the dismissal of said lawsuit, the above noted Alma Realty sources also informed me that I was being attacked 24/7 by a large and heavy microwave laser which was created by the noted defendants out of an old microwave oven. This reportedly “large and heavy” equipment explained the reason there was a loud banging noise on the ceiling of my apartment, which was the floor of apt. 2B, about 5 or 10 minutes after I was followed in an area inside of my apartment where I had stayed for too long, (be it kitchen or bathroom or closet), as if something heavy fell on the floor because someone could not hold up its weight for too long. I was followed by these defendants while they were carrying this heavy homemade microwave laser with them and were attacking me with its Radiation on 24/7 basis. I was further informed that the loud growling snoring sounds that woke me up at night and/or could not let me sleep at night, were being transmitted onto my nostrils by the use of the noted microwave laser as well as by the use of the multiple two way microphones. As my video evidence later proved, these multiple equipment must have been used to transmit multiple sounds simultaneously as for example when they wanted to whistle or coo coo me or talk to me while the other individual was attacking me with the microwave laser, and was transmitting, onto my nostrils, his loud growling snores with the microwave laser. Said microwave laser reportedly also came in the added form of Homemade Microwave Laser Guns, but these were used mainly for external purposes when I was stalked and harassed outside my apartment.
17-The access to, and use of, other Government Energy Weapons is not excluded from the list of weapons they used against me, simply because their concerted relationship with the State and Federal Government was evinced, in part, by said Government’s:
(a)-repetitive failure, hence refusal, to prosecute the obvious defendants in response to my specific Brady based request to do so which was accompanied by my credible and criminalizing video recorded evidence and other evidence,
(b)-repetitive failure to submit my Brady document, with said evidence, to the sitting joint Grand Jury of the time, in response to my specific Brady based request to do so,
(c)-repetitive failure to call me to testify in any sitting Grand Jury, in response to my repetitive specific Brady based requests to do so,
(d)-re-cycling of all known false witnesses and perpetrators, including Alma Realty’s owners, as innocent victims, and covering up their repetitive criminal acts against me in all Grand Jury proceedings to date,
(e)-repetitive failure to stop persecuting me with baseless, unwarranted known fabricated charges of their own creation in concert with Alma Realty, … the list goes on and on but you get the picture..!!
18-During my tenancy, and as a result of these Microwave attacks, I, much like all TIs of this type of harassment, suffered most of the symptoms related with it. Most notably, the nausea / vomiting episodes; stomach problems; blood in the vomit and in urine; Thyroid related problems; dizziness; sensation of Electric current running through my body; hair loss; continuous never ending coughing; heart palpitations; irregular heartbeat; sweating; excessive weight gain that had reached to 178 lbs from 135-140 and to the heaviest level I had ever been in my life; burns on parts of my body and on eye lids; a lengthy burn type of crust on top of my right eye lid; nose bleeds; tinnitus (ringing in the ears); an unnaturally intense itching in the corners of my eyes and on my eyelids; smells; blurry vision; hologram vision; vision impairment with multiple permanent dark spots on my right eye which I did not report to any doctor out of fear that the answers I would be required to give would cause the doctor to follow government’s corrupt protocol and to attribute to me a fabricated mental illness.
19-During these Microwave attacks, I noticed:
(a)-the malfunction of Electrical equipment such as my laptop and its audio function, especially the audio of my Web Cam in that the video footage that was recorded during the microwave attacks has severe and loud interference, as you will all notice in my posted videos. The audio of video footage that was not created during Microwave attacks is clear and without any hint of interference whatsoever. As annoying as it is, this loud interference during attack times along with its absence during non attack times serves as added evidence to my claim of being attacked with Microwave Laser / Direct Energy Weapons. Microwave frequencies do cause these types of interference and noises.
(b)-the abnormally fast depletion of batteries, especially of my cell phone
(c)-refrigerated food spoilage from a non functional refrigerator which would turn off and oddly, would be turned back on immediately after my angry calls to the landlord
(d)-clicking, popping, buzzing and hissing sounds whose origination I did not know of initially, (video evidence of that).
(e)-an airy breeze type of sensation before and during the Microwave attacks as well as clicks, pop, buzz and hissing sounds. Some of these were also recorded by the Web Cam.
(d)-odd occurrences such as air that pushed my lips out as if I were snoring through my mouth(video evidence of that); flickering of my facial skin as if some type of powerful air was moving it (video evidence of that); frequent scratching of the tip of my nose while I slept and while the snoring was going on(video evidence of that); frequent scratching of my eye lids while I slept and while the snoring was going on(video evidence of that); scratching of the throat, which caused either sneezing or coughing; a tingling inside my nostril that induced itching and/or sneezing; sensation of forceful air being inserted into my esophagus and body through my nostril or through my mouth if I kept my nose covered and breathed through my mouth; Forced manipulation of airways; Cramps and spasms of arms and legs; Fatigue / Sleep attacks; red spot on top of my nose when the snoring was going on (video evidence of that); heart palpitations after lengthy and vigorous esophageal penetration; blockage in my esophagus that made swallowing very difficult and painful, (I noticed that this began prior to the fake snoring process); constant itching inside my nostrils that made me want to scratch the inside of my nose or to “pick” my nose
(e)-male sounding loud snores or male sounding snores with mocking, sarcastic, contemptuous and / or vindictive sound effects on them, that aimed to give the appearance of being emanated from my nose or nostril area and sometimes from my mouth even when my own mouth was completely closed. Snorkel, nasal and oropharyngeal sounds were also recorded on my videos. The accuracy of the above noted information related with the transmission of said sounds by way of Microwave Laser has been has been confirmed and documented. A complete closure of my mouth can be determined from these videos as clearly as the complete opening of the snorer’s mouth while my mouth was completely closed. Similarly, the complete stillness and motionlessness of my facial expressions can also be determined during snoring or voice related episodes that require moving facial expressions. Basically, these videos prove that my mouth was completely closed and that my facial expressions were motionless during these videotaped sound episodes, which also included verbal exclamations by the snorer or coughing by the snorer while I was videotaped sleeping with my mouth completely closed.. It follows, that these videos also prove that someone else was making these sounds and not me. The male gender is as obvious as the fact that said sounds were never created by me. This proof leads to the added proof that said sounds were transmitted onto my nasal / facial area by equipment capable of such type of sound transmission and that this equipment was aided by a hidden camera (s) which were installed in my apartment and enabled the user of this transmission equipment to see the target location for such transmission ..which, for snoring causing purposes, was my nasal / facial area. Since only Lasers can do that and since I also exhibited symptoms of Microwave Laser attacks ..then it was a Microwave Laser that did that. The use, hence installation too, of the two way microphones can easily be discerned by different sounds, which also included vocal sounds and statements made by the tenants of 2B in the tenants’ native language, and which were also recorded simultaneously to the snoring sounds and/or independent from the snoring sounds.
(f)-Low volume voices of the tenants of the apartment above mine were heard from my apartment with strange loudness and clarity as if they were spoken inside my apartment. Whispering voices were also recorded by my Web Cam in same manner. These voices were, at times, in the native language of these tenants during the time the corresponding tenants were residing in 2B. When the Hindu couple lived in 2B, a Hindu statement was recorded being spoken with the husband’s voice. Same occurred during the subsequent residency of the Philippine or Malaysian couple. This was the most damning evidence against them..because I cannot speak nor understand Hindu nor Philippine or Malaysian. The English language was also heard by some males whose voice sounded, in part, like the landlords’ sons. Other times, there was an English speaking male who was a regular inside said apartment, usually at nights, and appeared to be instructing others on how to harass me. During the night, and as my videos can prove, there were multiple individuals involved in the harassing activities claimed of. My videos prove that this was a “gang” type of harassing operation and was executed by all as if they were all employed to do an evening job. The cumulative effect of these noted voices and the stalking methodology used for the sound related harassment along with the repetitive clicking sounds indicated not only their knowledge of my exact whereabouts at specific parts of my apartment and of my communications and activities, but also the installation of multiple two way microphones and multiple hidden cameras into my apartment leading their way into the apartment above so that they can be used for the stated harassing purpose, as they were. This was an in-house gang stalking type of operation with the Electronic Harassment element in it as well.
20-The above described sounds were created and transmitted as noted here, in part, in order to: (a)-disturb my sleep and to cause me to be sleep deprived; To prevent me from sleeping and/or to wake me up when I was sleeping, (b)-to harass me, (c)-to cause serious and grave health related ailments, including Mental Illness, (d)-to slowly kill me basically, (e)-to conduct experiments on me through the attainment of these goals. This method of harassment and form of slow kill, otherwise known as attempted murder, appears to have been employed on others who posted their torturous experiences on the web. Initially, and as a result of my ignorance, I refrained from posting snoring and voice related matters on the web under the Electronic Harassment category, however, after viewing these identical harassing activities and after obtaining some information about Microwave induced forced speech or sound as well as of Microwave Transmission of same, I decided to post mine on the web too in the hope that others similarly situated can find more information on it and employ ways not only to prove it but also to protect themselves. Please take a look at the following Posts in their respective links for identical Electronic Harassment Acts.
1-At the link: A Potential Target, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2005
Cause Of Inmate's Death Unknown
by Terry Groover
What caught my attention about the above article is they said the inmate was making "snoring," "snorting" types of sounds. This suggest to me that the inmate might have been a mc target. The perps routinely hit me with the same kinds of projected snoring, snorting types of sounds. I have been fully awake at times and have heard these projected sounds for myself. The perps have a way of feeding back to the target, the sound effect, of delayed, out of phase, breathing. The effects of this is that it really confuses the target's mind and respiratory system. The target can be asleep and breathing normally, but what the target's unconscious, and maybe even the conscious, mind "hears" is breathing sounds that are 180 degrees out of phase with the expected norm. In other words, during projected delayed breathing, the target's brain hears the sound of breathing in when the normal expected sound is that of exhalation, or breathing out. After a short time of this, the target's brain detects that something is wrong, not consistent, and wakes the target. If you combine the projected snoring and snorting sounds (high energy pulses) with projected delayed breathing, the effects, I feel, could be catastrophic. Especially if the target's brain is, somehow, not allowed to wake the target to consciousness. It would appear to be death by heart or respiratory failure.
2-At the link: but-im-not-mentally-ill-full-episodes/
look for this entry:
Life-Long Target says: May 31, 2015 at 5:56 am
“Another favorite of the perps is to have this recording of snoring sounds, synchronized to my breathing. And I was suspicious that it was the perps again, so where normally I’d be breathing in, I held my breath, and I still heard the snoring sound. I though “aha!”.
3-At the link:
Recording Microwave Hearing Effects: Literature Review and Case Report of an Affiant to Recording Remote Harassment, John J. McMurtrey, M. S., Copyright 2006, 2008 Jul 20
“Other sounds that the affiant affirms not to be made by him and intended to harass him at night, resembled snoring or nasal and oropharyngeal sounds. The provided videocassette contained compiled recordings of similar sound episodes (as well as sounds that may be distorted voice, as so affirmed by the affiant)”.
Same Article can be found in a detailed 6 page form at this link:
4-At the link:
Gary Lynn Clough - Lawsuit To End Electronic Harassment
"I'm attacked nightly with electronic snores…”
21-Notwithstanding Law Enforcement’s clear cut complicity in using these Direct Energy Weapons against Targeted Individuals, providing access to same to Corporate Gang Stalkers and training them on how to use them against Targeted Individuals is a claim that has legs to walk and run…otherwise there would not be so many evidence for Law Enforcement’s complicity in the criminal acts of Corporate Gang Stalkers, as my evidence also prove. Similarly, we must not exclude the fact that knowledge and instructions on how to create these type of Microwave Laser weapons as well as other similar portable weapons, is readily available on the web. It pains me to include the links below but I must because I must support the claims I make.
See where the concept of turning a microwave oven into a Direct Energy Weapon is confirmed and explained by Private Investigator and our hero Roger Tolces
Oh..!! and let us not forget these Home-Made Weapon Variations – Do-it yourself burning lasers!!/ Turn a MiniMag flashlight into a powerful DVD laser pointer
How to make a handheld 1W 445nm blue laser torch
22-My decision to video record my in-house activities was plagued with many fears and concerns about its failure to produce the anticipated substantial evidentiary results that would serve to indicate, in an evidentiary manner, that an installation of some type of bugging equipment, such as hidden two way microphone and hidden cameras, must have been made in that otherwise these “substantial evidentiary results” would not have occurred nor would they have been video recorded as they were.
23-At the time of my decision to video record, I had no knowledge that I was being attacked with Direct Energy Weapons / Microwave Laser weapons. I only suspected the illegal installation and use of multiple two way microphones and hidden cameras and wanted to obtain some type of evidence for “use” and / or for “installation”. I felt that video recording the fake loud male growling snores that were continuously heard during the night near my nostrils would not serve as proof of use and installation of hidden two way microphones nor of hidden cameras unless I would be able to videotape, with clarity, that these sounds do not come from my nostril or mouth but are, rather, transmitted into my apartment and onto my nostril area by the use of hidden two way microphones and hidden cameras, the latter of which was helping defendants in finding out the exact location of my face in order to transmit these sounds close to my nostrils with the nearest two way microphone. Without this type of proof, I felt that the “defendants” would successfully defend, as they later did, by attributing these strange and abnormal snoring sounds to me and would continue harassing me with these sounds, as they repetitively did. Based on this way of thinking, you can see how little I knew at the time. I did not even know what a Laser was much less a Microwave Laser. … but I did learn fast.
24-Initially, I started videotaping with my Sony camcorder, however, its 2 hour maximum recording limit along with my inability to afford a camcorder with a longer battery life and with greater storage, led to some creative thinking which, in turn, led me to the use of my laptop’s Web Cam which could record as long as there was a storage big enough to store the video output. An external HD of 4 TB solved the problem of storing lengthy video recordings, particularly the ones created during the entire night. My SONY VAIO’s Web Cam was my only affordable choice.
25-I knew that my video recording would be seen by them and that their knowledge of my evidence seeking video recording would cause them to change the form and methods of their harassing activities in order to prevent me from documenting it on my videos, hence, to prevent me from obtaining any evidence and proof of what they were collectively doing in concert. Feeling that their knowledge of my video recording would cause them to evade detection and documentation by engaging in more subtle or discrete harassing activities was very stressful to me in that this feeling along with my inability to afford the high – tech equipment that would immediately prove the use and installation of these equipment with credible and substantial evidence, made me feel helpless, powerless and frustrated… to say the least..!!. If I had known of the Direct Energy Weapons attacks, I would still feel the same because I could not afford any of the high-tech equipment that could measure this stuff and find, for proof’s sake, the direction the directed energy is coming from and / or whether I was also attacked with X-Rays in that symptoms did indicate the use of X-Rays as well. I began video recording without any expectations of success.
26-After seeing the severe loud interference in my first video recording, I was very disappointed and I wanted to stop, however, an expert’s advice that this was evidence supporting my claim gave me courage to continue. When my video recordings began showing the above described evidence indicating not only the use and installation of hidden two way microphone and hidden cameras but also evidence of Direct Energy Weapons Attacks as well as evidence of the primary perpetrators, I could not stop video recording. I have about a year’s worth of video recordings. These lengthy video recordings, which include about 7 or 8 hours of footage, needed, and still do, lengthy editing in order to make them short and compliant with the policies of YouTube, Google Plus or any other Social Media platform they will be published on.
27-I will soon be posting some of these videos. "Soon" is defined as within the next two weeks or so. I wanted to give all viewers a quick background about what to expect to see in those videos. Because of the lengthy review and editing process and also because I have only reviewed a few months of video recordings, posting them may be a bit slower.
28-I will post them they way they were recorded with my Web Cam. I apologize for the evidentiary loud static interference noise but do remember that even this loud static interference noise constitutes success in evidence accumulation. Besides, the “evidentiary meat” is in there. What needed to be obtained was obtained even with my poor man’s tool. I know that there are software out there that can remove or significantly minimize this loud interference noise but I would refrain from removing or minimizing this type of evidence from these videos. After all I am publishing them as evidence, hence, they must be published in their original form. If I can make the audio parts a bit louder without removing or minimizing the interference, I would but I do not know how to do things like that and I cannot even afford any software that could do things like that. If anyone has any advice or suggestion on this please let me know.
29-I was informed that, much like State and Federal Government, Alma Realty is a frequent viewer of my YouTube Channel and my Google Plus account. Now that I am naming names, I invite Alma Realty to sue me. As a matter of fact, I dare Alma Realty to sue me….!!! Same holds true for all other named perpetrators.
30-In closing, I add that same type of Electronic Harassment also occurred at my parents’ home after I moved in as a result of the harassing activities described above. Initially, and as I was further informed, this type of harassment was perpetrated upon me by my brother’s children who resided in the parental private home and provided convenient access to the perpetrators who were conducting the above described Electronic Harassment. In addition, several other perps took occupancy right across the street from the parental home and were conducting this 24/7 Electronic Harassment through their two street facing windows that had a direct view at the street facing windows of the parental home. I have accumulated plenty of video recorded evidence that can also prove more of the above.
31-The continuity of the perps’ residency in same apartment after I vacated the parental home on October 1, 2014 along with my observation of identical Electronic Harassing activities being perpetrated against my parents while they were sleeping leads me to believe that they have made my parents Targeted Individuals for similar Electronic Harassment and that the perp remained in same apartment in order to continue harassing them and destroying their health in same Electronic manner with fabricated snores. Since my family participated in the concerted attacks against my mentality, even though they knew them to be false, I refrained from informing them of the fact that they too were being harassed in same manner while they were sleeping. They were all aching to use anything against my mentality and I was not going to give them any opportunity to succeed. My parents had the financial ability to afford some of the high tech equipment that would have helped them prove it and protect themselves from it but since I was not going to be believed or taken seriously then why bother telling them and give them the opportunity to use any of my statements against my mentality.
32-In summation, and with regard to my family problems, my evil and wicked brother, who has lengthy Psychiatric records due to lengthy substance abuse, joined the evil efforts of the gang stalkers and Alma Realty because, as I was informed, he was heavy on the take which had accommodated his drug abuse. His adherence and participation entailed, in part, his active participation with the defamation and criminalization protocol: (a)-by repeating their false information about me to our parents, knowing that the information he was passing on to them was false, (b)-by submitting, as a witness and as a complaining witness, false information about me as well as charges, right along with his children and wife, which would not only criminalize me but also define me mentally ill. Repetitive failures in all never discouraged any of them because they had an ulterior motive you see.
33-My brother’s ulterior motive, which was shared by his wife and children, was to cause our parents to see me as a danger to their assets, to take me out of their will and to give him and his children all of their assets and money. In order to insure the success of his efforts he made sure that our parents saw the fake police arrest reports for false despicable and immoral crimes that Alma Realty had fabricated and circulated around, with the help of the gang stalkers, for purpose of inducing belief and cooperation with their concerted framing activities. He succeeded because I was isolated from the family unit and thereafter I was also taken out of the will such that he ended up not only with the 2 family house they bought for him but also with the 4 family house they are currently living into whose monthly rental income from the 4 rental units is around $7 thousand dollars a month. Not a bad incentive to join Alma Realty's and the gang stalkers' evil goals and not to give a shit whether you hurt and destroy your own sister in the process ? Especially since he was also being rewarded by Alma Realty. To top it all off he also inherited our parents’ entire and substantial savings which, based on recent information, is being used to buy him yet another home.
34-My parents, who believed all the despicable bullshit about me, joined in the fun and not only isolated me but also made life unbearable for me. I am being polite when I use this word because there are other worse words that fit what they collectively did to me. It was easy for them to isolate them because I was never wanted to begin with. An unwanted child is easy to abuse to isolate and to mistreat especially in a setting such as this. Since I was shown to them to be such a despicable person my parents had a greater incentive: (a)-to take me out of a will that did not give me much anyway, (b)-to take the position that I deserved not to be helped but only to be punished, (c)-to join the efforts and actions of the gang stalkers and of Alma Realty whose needs they knew from my evil and wicked brother. If the gang stalkers and Alma Realty needed criminal charges against me for xy and z as well as some mental disorders, my dysfunctional and evil family accommodated them by fabricating them and by filling them against me. Their collective deceptive, fraudulent and evil efforts to evict me from the parental home and to define me mentally ill with known false claims involved events that are too painful to describe. With a family like that I certainly did not need any enemies. The only reason continuity became possible, was because my family helped the efforts of the enemy and not me.
35-Even though I had so much and so many against me I was never arrested or prosecuted or indicted because I always kept up with it, I obtained all necessary evidence and I kept dismissing them with Brady documents, as noted here. God was watching out for me all along. As a result of all of these events, I was placed in this endless program and I suffered as claimed to date. The recent family problems, which are equally painful, will be included in future updates. At the advice of counsel, I will refrain from disclosing certain types of information that are deemed to be legally confidential, for strategic purposes and as a result of endless, ongoing framing activities against me, otherwise known as endless, ongoing witch hunt.
36-With regard to the evidentiary videos for Electronic Harassment and Illegal Surveillance on me, I will be posting more in the near future. With the four that I have already posted, you got an idea of the type of evidence I managed to get even with my poor man's tools. As you can see, I am also creating some Google Plus Collections, one of them being my very favorite in that it will include the identities of New York City Gang Stalkers. I do not kid around folks. It is pay back time.
37-My evidentiary Videos about the Government sponsored Gang Stalking that has been perpetrated against me to date, are included in my YouTube page as well as in my Google Plus corresponding collection. You can click the YouTube button in this page and you will be taken to my YouTube Channel whose "Video" Link would lead you to all of my Videos to date. More of those Videos will be coming up too. The cover image for this collection was taken from the website of our hero Roger Tolces. The link is:
The image on his website has descriptive content about Electronic Harassment done, in part, by way of converting a Microwave Oven into a Microwave Laser weapon, as was done initially in my case. The noted image, with its descriptive terms, has been included in this Post, by linking it to Roger Tolces' website, for the Viewers' immediate convenience. See image below
38-This notification was added on 7-15-15. On the eve of 7-14-15, and I assume as a result of the content of this introduction, I was threatened by two male gang stalkers who showed me a blue laser weapon which was similar to the one shown on the links I posted. They waved it around in a threatening manner and then they laughed out loud and left. If anything happens to me, you will know how it was done and who did it.
39-On August 22,,2015 a black male entered the same train as I did and held a flash light in a suspect manner while eye balling me in a hateful purposeful manner. After I questioned him about what he was holding, he began acting nervous and gave odd answers. He then proceeded in activating the flash light and pointing its light straight at my face and towards my eye area in an equally suspect manner as if he was holding a weapon and as if he wanted to harm my eyes with it. I avoided staring at it and began videotaping him. Alma Realty sources informed me that a flash light was converted into a dangerous laser weapon, by the methods reported in the above noted links, and that it was meant to be used against me and to cause blinding harm to my eyes. I am on a 24/7 tensed protective watch out in order to prevent the contemplated harm. I also began using protective eye gear when I sleep in the trains. I would give anything to have a home of my own; to sleep in my own bed; to cook my own food and to live like a normal person free from fear, tyranny, gang stalking and physical as well as emotional torture. I hope a kind heart sees all the evidence I posted and helps me out of this endless 24/7 dangerous and grave turmoil.
Many Thanks to all Viewers
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