Sunday, November 1, 2015

I like this guy's videos I also like his disposition, however, I just don't like the fact that he does not...

I like this guy's videos I also like his disposition, however, I just don't like the fact that he does not bother to communicate with any TIs when they are trying to get any type of information from him.

In this video his information tends to mitigate and to discredit the Microwave laser devices with which we are getting harassed.

I am not claiming that he is doing it intentionally but, as the smart person that he is, he should have investigated the credibility as well as the ulterior motives of the source(s) that provide him with the information that he is passing on us as an undisputed fact, especially since the so called "information: that he is passing on us lacks references, patents and, basically, credible documentary support.

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