Saturday, April 2, 2016

As I was looking for this important document, titled :

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

As I was looking for this important document, titled : 
"Procedures governing the activities of DoD intelligence components that affect United States persons, December 1982"

and found it here in this link:

and as I was typing up all pertinent information regarding its importance, I bumped into a TI who had already done an excellent work on this and then some.

He actually had it posted by yellowing out the important parts. As such, I do not have to do much but to post it up with his own comments and to thank him for his multi-faceted excellent work which I am going to share.

I also recommend his site
and I will post it into my Collection "LINKS"

The Directive allowing all U.S. Persons and others on U.S. soil to be used for testing without your consent is here…Original DOD Directive 5240.1.R saved 882013 Chapter and Procedure 13.

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