Sunday, May 8, 2016

Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism

Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism

Brief commentary on the article below: Some of the information in the main article below deals with the word "Anti-Semitism." It is worth taking the time to define what this word even means. Go here for more about this. I did not write the article that is featured below, I found it on a site that deals with organized stalking and surveillance. It is important to realize that one of the goals of Homeland Security is protecting the one percent. See here, here, here, here and here for more about who the one percent are. (See this document and this video to see what official government documents are saying, that we will see an increase between the "haves" and the "have-nots," and that that the "haves" are going to start seeing the "have-nots" as a potential problem.) Also, it is crucial that you read the bottom of this article to find out more about the questionable organization which is known as the ADL. (The Anti-Defamation League.) It is laughable that a group with a background and a history like the ADL would be working with Law Enforcement or be training them on terrorism. See here, here, here, here, here, and here for more about which group of people is most likely to be terrorists.)

One more important note: Before you read the main article below on the topic of Homeland Security, Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism, you might want to check out these articles on Homeland Security and how they are using STASI techniques:

1. The Stasi Octopus
2. Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State
3. Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
4. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
5. How Covert Agents Infiltrate The Internet To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
6. Torture, Slander and Organized Stalking
7. Stasi Influence on Canada & United States - The Informant Society

8. An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies
9. Stasi Take Down
10. Homeland Security and the Alternative Media Agenda
11. Canada --- Pathetic like the United States
12. Parroting.. What Is Being Done to Me
13. Mind Control: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer at the NSA and CIA
14. Mind Control and Mind Reading Technology - Is Edward Snowden a Fake?
15. Front Groups and Intelligence Agents
16. DARPA Brain Implants - Human Guinea Pigs
17. Domestic Terrorism Silent Rape And Murder - Nanotechnology and Electronic Warfare
18. RCMP Targets Muslim Extremists, But Gives Zionist Terrorists Free Pass
19. Activist Reveals Hidden Military Ties Between Canada and Israel
20. The ADL That Works With the RCMP and the FBI - and it's Ties to Organized Crime
21. No-Touch Torture: Torture Methods for Interrogation and Behavior Modification
22. Which Group Is Most Likely To Be Terrorists? The Answer May Surprise You
23. FBI Memo Labels Patriots, Truth-Seekers as Potential 'Terrorists'


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