Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη
Organized Gang Stalking as a Weapons System with Dr Eric Karlstrom - MK Ultra Continues
Sep 1, 2016 • pineconeutopia
World Beyond Belief 201
Some may be surprised to know that gang stalking is a criminal felony now secretly being committed by governments, military/intelligence, corporations, cults, religious groups, organized crime, and individuals against “targeted individuals” in the civilian population. Sometimes it is used to punish a whistle-blower, stop an investigation, hamper an opponent, or simply to increase the data base on possible human responses to extreme stress. The goal is to 1) identify, 2) vilify, 3) nullify, and 4) destroy the victims (“targeted individuals”) of the program (from David Lawson’s “Terrorist Stalking in America”). Organized gang stalking is not only immoral, unconstitutional, and illegal, it is terrorism in it’s extreme form and likely a whole new type of asymmetrical warfare consistent with the the U.S. Army’s acknowledged “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA).
In this interview, Dr. Karlstrom shares essential insights gleaned from top organized gang stalking experts, including former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney; physician and author, Dr. John Hall; private investigators, Roger Tolces and David Arthur Lawson; and author and HAARP expert, Dr. Nick Begich. Dr. Karlstrom explains some of the most important of their conclusions. Namely, organized gang stalking is a modern covert weapons system still being tested and refined. And it is the modern extension of the CIA's MKULTRA and FBI’s COINTELPRO programs of previous decades which combines 1) elements of state-citizen-spy-terror networks developed by the Soviet and East German communist secret police (Cheka and Stasi, respectively) and 2) the use of high-tech directed energy weapons, aka “electronic weapons." Tune in and learn about the next generation in social control and covert warfare now being directed against and tested upon the civilian population of America and the world. Your tax dollars at work!
For more information visit our websites:
erickarlstrom.com and coming soon: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com
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