Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today these covert operations are materializing as factual "SLOW KILL" operations proven by victims being targeted...

Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books

Today these covert operations are materializing as factual "SLOW KILL" operations proven by victims being targeted for years and years or until synthetic beamed death. This program is a unified subjugation and psycho-physical torture campaign founded on relentless ongoing targeting operations using advanced technology. The lives of men, women and even children are being shattered and destroyed for any and every reason under the Sun, blacklisted, used to test the technologies limits or nudged into snapping, while denied even the very basics of Human Rights.

As exposure looms, so does increased efforts of covert high tech silencing, vicious high tech assaults, and ongoing hope to push a victim over the edge. The beauty is there is no accountability for the "Human Monsters" enforcing this program or the operatives sitting at the helm of the technology and the public hoodwinked and duped to use them heinously.

If a lot of people are saying the same thing, LISTEN!

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