I believe that he is a good hearted sincere man and that the information he gave is true, however, I think that he does not know about a subprogram known in the gang stalking circles as "BEING ON THE BUG" ,..which is another way of saying "BEING ON CALL".
I have written some comments about this subprogram in prior posts. In response to a viewer's comment I wrote another one and I included Doctor Lebowitz's statements in it. My comment is included, in part, below the dotted line. Its content is self - explanatory and informative
The "ON THE BUG" subprogram is a type of "BEING ON CALL" subprogram. These people of the "ON THE BUG" program do not disclose their program membership to anyone,..not even to their boyfriends or husbands unless they are both in it.
As I have reported previously, these "ON THE BUG" people receive the same training as active Gang stalkers do and perform in same manner, however, they have regular jobs and, usually, do not gang stalk on foot or on vehicle as regular gang stalkers do.
They carry a special phone 24/7 and perform what they get instructed to do when they get a call from their handlers. Their special phones have tracking apps, hence, when a targeted individual gets tracked anywhere within the vicinity of where they are, they get tracked too and get a call right away which gives them instructions and a photo of the target. As the target gets tracked so do the "BUGGED" / "ON CALL" gang stalkers.
When they receive the alerts, they drop whatever it is that they do and run to perform the instructions robotically and mechanically without any sense of shame, guilt or conscious. I have witnessed it and I have documented it several times.
This is the reason you see people behave the way your gang stalkers do even though they were already inside locations that you entered and, hence, they did not stalk you inside that particular location ,..nor did they have advance knowledge of your future whereabouts.
Mind reading was provided as an explanation by some who did not know about this "BUGGED" / "ON CALL" subprogram ,..but, I am afraid the explanation is much simpler and mind reading of your future whereabouts has absolutely nothing to do with it. It is a clever design of simple technology at work. I have obtained several videos and admissions for this. I will uploading them in the near future.
Keep in mind that these "BUGGED" / "ON CALL" gang stalkers are working heavily in the Health Care Industry, Domestic Industry and Food Industry because these types of jobs enable them to commit the greatest harm and to have easier access. The greatest harm they inflict, the better the reward.
Based on what I have observed and witnessed so far, just about every business or government entity has these "BUGGED" / "ON CALL" people on their payroll but the Health Care Industry, Domestic Industry and Food Industry are the ones who have most of them on their payroll.
Many get recruited while in college while others get indoctrinated into this program by their parents. They do the same thing to their own children and this indoctrination and membership goes down from generation to generation.
See this video below, where the nice Doctor on our side, Doctor Daniel Lebowitz, explains the reasons for the odd similarities of the gang stalking sensitization behavior by strangers, who are presumed not to be from the gang stalking group that you saw stalking you, by a mere reference to frequencies that can cause sensitization techniques which are strictly physical in nature.
Doctor Daniel Lebowitz Confirms GangStalking & Stasi Smear Tactics Exist & Shares Testimonials
Although I do believe that frequencies can induce certain behaviors somewhat and I have no doubt about the sincerity of his heart, I have to conclude that he gave this explanation because he did not know about the "BUGGED" / "ON CALL" gang stalking subprogram and the high level of its existence and occurrence. The sensitization techniques employed are not they type of physical human reactions that can be caused by frequencies. IT IS ALL SIMPLE TECHNOLOGY AT WORK..PERIOD ..END OF STORY..!!
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