Saturday, November 17, 2018

1 comment:

  1. So if you are the target or susceptible to 5g microwave radiation or Gang Stocking by the bad guys you can make a faraday cage to live in or use space blankets but this is a big drag.... so here is the option I have come up with...
    First get your meter to find the focus point of the radiation in your home.
    Second learn how to then follow the signal back to its cementation source ....
    Third follow the signal to the control location....
    Then you are set to know who is messing with you...
    Now learn how to make a magnetron gun from an old microwave from here
    Then send the signal back to its source and zap the creep who are messing with you and your world... ( This part I will not post here because they will either block me or amp up their bs)
    When you zap them you will defiantly create a response so you will also need a cloaking system for your location....
    None of this is that difficult but probably dangerous and perhaps against the law where you are....
