Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Experiences with harassment before and after working alongside the British Security Services

Experiences with harassment before and after working alongside the British Security Services

Carl became the hunted after falling out with his handlers and went through three years of harassment and targeting by his former mentors, it resulted in the breakdown of his marriage of 25 years before moving away from his home town of Norwich and settling in Thetford, where he became very popular and rebuilt his life.

Carl became a Local and District Councillor after being elected for his work with children and youth for the Labour Party, he then disagreed with some of their policies and represented the Christian Peoples Alliance, where he stood a candidate in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections in which he got over 11,000 votes and beat two of the opposing parties, due to a RTA (Road Traffic Incident) he was unable to stand in the U.K Parliamentary Elections in 2015 his injuries are still causing problems.

Carl Clark statement for the Covert Harassment Conference 2015:

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