Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fight "Gang Stalking" Continued Part 3

Originally shared by Ras Jahman

Fight "Gang Stalking" Continued Part 3
Expose illegal stalking by corrupt law enforcement personnel


“When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
– Richard Nixon in a 1977 interview with David Frost

Crimes by U.S. Law Enforcement and
. Intelligence Agencies

What is “Gang Stalking?”
Tactics include – but are not limited to – slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.


1. A Brief Explanation of “Gang Stalking”
2. Introduction to the Full Explanation of Gang Stalking
3. Crimes by U.S. Law Enforcement & Intelligence Agencies
4. Oversight of Law Enforcement & Intelligence Agencies
5. Published News Reports *
6. History: COINTELPRO, MKUltra, Red Squads, & the Stasi
7. The National & International Scope of Gang Stalking
8. Investigation, Surveillance, & Harassment Tactics
9. Mobbing & Workplace Violence
10. Selection of Targeted Individuals
11. The Organizational Structure of Gang Stalking
12. Social Conformity & Obedience to Authority
13. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) & Gang Stalking
14. Disinformation
15. The Wall of Silence Which Surrounds “Gang Stalking”
16. Shining a Light on the Cockroaches


Full Explanation of
Gang Stalking

I urge readers to consider the evidence presented here in its totality; the nature of organized stalking – by design – is such that it is difficult to comprehend and evaluate without considering it in its full context.

With the goal of providing some of that context, about gang stalking with published news and analysis of subjects such as government secrecy, police corruption, privacy, surveillance, private investigators, and various government scandals are relevant to organized stalking in ways which I try to make clear.
Allegations of Stalking by Private Organizations

Deception is a major element of counterintelligence programs. Consequently, all discussion of COINTELPRO-type stalking has to be viewed skeptically. Allegations that the ongoing criminal harassment of targeted individuals is simply an activity by one or more vigilante groups is a case in point.

It is inconceivable – especially with the modern surveillance state – that the Justice Department and the other federal intelligence agencies are unaware of exactly what is happening. Their silence about the issue means that they acquiesce in it, whatever the specific operational structure might be.

That said, it is also clear that there is a “snitch culture” element to organized stalking – not just a bureaucratic machine. Perpetrators of gang stalking crimes rely upon a degree of informal support from sadists and useful idiots. Also, there is a long history of non-governmental organizations perpetrating very serious crimes against their fellow citizens. In addition, such organizations – for example, the Ku Klux Klan – have historically included members of the political and law enforcement community. So the involvement of private groups in organized stalking cannot be categorically dismissed, even though the core of the activity has to be state-sanctioned.

Gang stalking tactics are sometimes alleged to be used by certain fraternal orders, such as Freemasons (a “mafia of the mediocre” – Christopher Hitchens, chapter 2 of his memoir), and by various religious groups such as Scientologists and Jehovah’s Witnesses – for example, to control or punish current or former members. See for example, this March 15, 2013 article in the Brisbane Times.

I have no first-hand knowledge of the use of organized stalking by religious groups, but it does seem plausible – especially if you agree with America’s second president, John Adams:

“There is a germ of religion in human nature so strong that whenever an order of men can persuade the people by flattery or terror that they have salvation at their disposal, there can be no end to fraud, violence, or usurpation.”

In the case of Scientologists, there is reportedly a policy called “Fair Game,” under which the church allegedly uses aggressive tactics toward individuals and groups it perceives as its enemies. The practices – as described in this 1990 Los Angeles Times article, apparently include some tactics associated with organized stalking: “psychological warfare,” “dirty tricks,” and “harassment.” Reportedly, the Fair Game policy also sometimes involves employing detectives, former police officers, and criminals:

“Teams of private detectives have been dispatched to the far corners of the world to spy on critics and rummage through their personal lives–and trash cans–for information to discredit them.

During one investigation, headed by a former Los Angeles police sergeant, the church paid tens of thousands of dollars to reputed organized crime figures and con men for information linking a leading church opponent to a crime that it turned out he did not commit.”

Instances of “cause stalking” and stalking by religious cults presumably account for only a very small portion of the numerous incidents in the aforementioned crime survey statistics. It is true however, that members of religious cults (and cult-like fraternal organizations) are – by definition – easily manipulated, so they could serve in some cases as “useful idiot” vigilantes for others whose motivations they don’t even comprehend.

That is perhaps true for most of the general public since most people are completely unaware of the existence of any domestic counterintelligence operations – past or present – and would be unlikely to suspect that what they are being told might be disinformation and manipulation as part of a modern American version of the Stasi.

One group which is sometimes mentioned as a source of organized stalking perpetrators – probably as disinformation in most cases – is
the ancient fraternal order of Freemasons. Mentioning the organization often brings to mind tin-foil hat conspiracy theories. It should be noted, however, that mainstream news reports also include allegations about the group. Specifically, there are claims that the Freemasons’ network
is exploited to abuse the power of its members.

This June 2013 article in The Independent revealed that a leaked secret report from British law enforcement authorities found that many law firms, wealthy individuals, and large corporations hire private investigators to conduct illegal spying for them. The article mentioned one of the ways sensitive information was obtained:

[The report] found private investigators to be experts at “developing
and cultivating useful relationships” through “socialising with law enforcement personnel.” One particular method identified was to become a member of the Freemasons, which has been repeatedly
linked to corruption in the police and judiciary.

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